The Bible Can Change Your Life

What is the effect of the Bible in a person’s life?

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”
—Psalm 119:130.

Study of the Bible will strengthen the “understanding,” the intellect, as no other book. If you deeply examine the Bible and absorb its teachings into your life, it will give you the strength to overcome destructive habits and enable you to develop into the fullness of personhood—physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually.

The Bible speaks to the heart. It deals with the experiences of humanity—birth, love, marriage, parenthood, and death. Scripture heals the deepest wound in human nature—humanity’s fall into sin and the misery resulting from it.

Following the collapse of the Berlin Wall, a great revival began to sweep over atheistic Russia. Millions accepted the Bible as inspired by God and became Christians. Galena, a woman in Nishni Novogorod, formerly Gorky, attended the meetings of an American evangelist. With tears running down her cheeks, she told him, “Before I came to these meetings, I was an atheist. I didn’t believe in God. Now I have accepted Jesus, and I am a brand new person inside. The truths you have been teaching us from the Bible have opened my eyes.”

God’s Word is not a book of one race, one age, one nation, or one culture. Although written in the East, it also appeals to men and women in the West. It enters the apartment of the humble and the mansion of the wealthy. Children love its exciting stories. Its heroes inspire young people. Parents find in it wisdom to instruct their children. The sick, the lonely, and the aged discover in it comfort and hope for a better life.