God Is Guiding the Nations

When God revealed this prophecy to Daniel, the Hebrew prophet immediately saw the guiding hand of God in the rise and fall of nations (Daniel 2:20-22). God knows the past, and this Bible prophecy clearly shows that He knows the future as well.

Sometimes we may imagine that the Almighty is so occupied with His vast universe that our little planet doesn’t rate much attention—much less one individual life on it. But God has gone to great lengths to assure us that He is very much concerned with human history and each individual’s history. He’s given us a beacon:

“And we have THE WORD OF THE PROPHETS MADE MORE CERTAIN, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to A LIGHT shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and THE MORNING STAR [Jesus] RISES IN YOUR HEARTS.”
—2 Peter 1:19.

God uses Bible prophecy in the dark of our world just like headlights on a car we’re driving at night. He shows us where we’re going; He shows us what lies ahead. We can be confident that the march of history ultimately goes down His highway.

And He is guiding the lives of every student of the DISCOVER Bible guides. Fulfilled Bible prophecy urges you to invite Jesus, “the morning star,” to rise “in your hearts.” With Him as our Lord we need have no fears.