Soon OUR God, OUR Saviour, will descend from the clouds to rescue us. The long horror story of man’s cruelty to man will finally cease. There will be jubilation on that day, shouts of joy as we finally understand: “He’s coming close; I can see the angels blowing their trumpets.” The sound gets louder, the cloud of glory brighter, until we can hardly endure it. But we can’t stop looking as we realize: “He sees me. He knows who I am. He’s coming to get me.”

We’ll feel like running and shouting and waving our arms. We’ll become a flood of humanity lifted up toward the Son of God. We’ll know with indescribable joy: “This is my God. He’s coming for me, not someday, but today, right now.”

Are you ready to welcome the King in all His glory?

Have you discovered a living hope that can fill your heart? If you have not yet done so, please invite Jesus personally into your life just now. Even as the coming of Jesus to our world will solve the world’s problems, so His coming into your heart will help you deal with your present daily problems. The great Problem Solver can deliver you from the guilt and burden of sin and give you eternal life. The coming of Jesus into a life can forever change it as dramatically as the coming of Jesus to our world will transform it. You can depend on Jesus. He will prepare you for His coming and give you the wonderful assurance of a life of eternal happiness.

Dear Heavenly Father: My heart throbs with eager anticipation as I wait for Jesus to come again. Just now, dear Jesus, come into my heart in a deeper sense than ever before. Prepare me to be ready when You come again. Thank you so much! Amen.