Ever since sin began, the devil has been slandering Gods character, accusing Him of being unfair. But now all the questions are answered, all the perplexities resolved. At the end, not even Satan himself, the great accuser, will have a word to say in his own defense. Now every being in the universe acknowledges that, even in judgment, especially in judgment, Jesus, the Lamb of God, is worthy of our love and worship. A great chorus declares: Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain (Revelation 5:12). The whole plan and purpose of God is now fully revealed, and Gods character stands vindicated.
Not only the saved, but also evil angels and Satan himself will confess that Satans way has been wrong and that Gods ways are just and true. All see that evil and selfishness has led only to unhappiness and discontentthat such a life is not worth continuing. |